The benefits to our health and well-being from exercising just 30minutes a day are impressive. Its something we should all be making a priority, but unfortunately it’s easy to find an excuse why you don’t have time to exercise.

If the thought of 30minutes straight of exercise is too much try break it down into 3 x 10minute workouts spread across the day. Gradually increase the duration of the exercise. Remember getting started is the hard part, but try stick to it for at least 2weeks to start feeling the benefits.  

Some of the benefits of exercising 30minutes a day.

  • Weight loss - the reason that gets most people to start exercising in the first place. Exercising 30minutes a day at a moderate intensity will increase the amount of calories you burn and when you are in a calorie deficit you will start to loose body fat.
  • Heart health - when we exercise regularly we keep our heart healthy and reduce the chance of developing heart disease
  • Reduce stress - a quick workout can reduce our stress and anxiety levels.
  • Improve memory - exercise increases the production of cells in part of the brain called the hippocampus which is responsible for memory.
  • More productive - when we exercise regularly we have more energy and become more productive in other parts of our life too!
  • Endorphins - when we exercise our body produces endorphins which leave us feeling happy and relaxed.
  • Sleep better - we have a more restful night sleep when we exercise.

Start off slowly, try going for a 10-15minute jog and build up from there.

Remember - you only regret the workout you didn’t do.