By now you are probably really missing the gym or your favourite exercise class. Spending time cooped up indoors can leave you feeling sluggish and unmotivated. But the good news is quite a few gyms/personal trainers are offering free classes or training programmes on Instagram or Youtube! There is something for everyone - and most don’t need any equipment - so no excuses not to give it a go!

Exercising is not only important for your physical wellbeing - but also for your mental health. During these uncertain times, it’s easy to feel more stressed and anxious. Exercise can help you destress and get you focused on keeping fit and healthy.

If you weren't following a training programme before the lockdown- now is the perfect opportunity to get started. Trying getting the whole family involved!

A few of my favourite Instagram accounts for workouts

Pre/post natal - @Bumpsandburpees

Full body workout - @Barrysuk

Yoga - @corepoweryoga

Boxing - @kobox

Barre - @Barre_core

Dance - @Schoolofsos

PE for the kids - Youtube with Joe Wicks - The Body Coach TV