Probiotics are the beneficial live bacteria and yeasts found in our bodies.They 
have several characteristics - Probiotics are able to be isolated from the
human body, resistant to the acidity in our stomachs when consumed, and 
safe to include in our daily diet. Probiotics help us to absorb nutrients and 
maintain healthy gut flora, which keeps our immune system healthy.
If you are lacking in beneficial bacteria you might find yourself with condition known as gut dysbiosis. Dysbiosis occurs when the bacteria in your digestive tract becomes unbalanced. Symptoms can include anything from diarrhoea, bloating, heartburn, stomach ache, nausea to anxiety and depression. Low levels of beneficial bacteria can also lead to conditions like irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory conditions in the body.
One the most common reasons we have low or unbalanced levels of probiotics in our bodies is after taking a course of antibiotics. Antibiotics are used to kill off the bad bacteria but unfortunately they kill off the good bacteria too. Other causes can be as simple as a diet too high in sugar and processed foods, too much alcohol, high levels of stress and anxiety, and poor dental hygiene.
Luckily there are many tasty foods containing probiotics that we can incorporate in our daily diets to keep the beneficial bacteria at an optimum level. The most commonly known and eaten probiotic food is yoghurt, although make sure you check that the one you are buying contains live probiotics, as unfortunately there are quite a few that don’t. Kefir is another excellent source of probiotics, and actually out ranks yoghurt as it contains more strains of beneficial bacteria. Other foods high probiotics include fermented vegetables such as kimchi and sauerkraut, fermented soybeans in the form of miso, tempeh and natto. If you are looking for a refreshing drink rich in probiotics try kombucha a fermented tea drink that you can find in most heath food stores.