I have written about goal setting a few times now. But i’m writing again because it’s so important to learn how to set goals correctly. We all have hopes and dreams, but we need a plan if we want to achieve them otherwise that’s all they are - hopes and dreams.
Always use the acronym SMART when you are setting a goal
S - specific
M - measurable 
A - achievable
R - realistic
T - timely
The first step is to write down your goal, and then check, is it SMART? Having these steps in place and written down is great as you can always come back to your plan and readjust if needed.
There is another step that can help your chances of achieving your goal become more likely. Does your goal have a meaningful significance? For example, wanting to be able to run 10km without stopping vs running a 10km race for a charity that is close to your heart. You’re more likely to achieve the second goal as it is more meaningful than just running.
Remember it takes 3weeks for something to become a habit. So keep persevering through the first few weeks, keep coming back to your goal to remind yourself of your plan and how each little step you are taking will get you to your end goal.
SMART works for non health and fitness related goals too! So keep it mind.