
  1. Weekly Tip - Anxiety

    With mental health awareness week just around the corner I thought I would share some information on anxiety. We are all effected differently when it comes to anxiety, what causes you anxiety might not worry someone else in the slightest. Often if we don’t speak up, those around us won’t know that we are feeling anxious, and will be completely unaware of how their actions or the situation is making us feel. Over the years I have really had to push myself and learn to say no to situations that I know would cause me to feel anxious.

    We all feel anxious from time to time but for some its chronic, and when it’s chronic it can have a knock on effect on all areas of your life. It can make you less productive at work/home, restless at night, unsociable, not wanting to exercise, moody and put pressure on your relationships. When we are feeling all of the above, not only is our mental health impacted, but our physical healt

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  2. Sage Leaf

    Sage is a perennial woody herb, that you will find in most herb gardens. It is used to add flavour to savoury dishes. After doing research into I am going to be using it for a lot more than that. I hope after reading this blog you will too.

    The use of sage in medicine has been well documented and dates back thousands of year when it was initially used to treat things like snakebites. Nowadays with modern research sage has been shown to help with cognitive function by increasing memory retention and concentration in healthy adults. Even helping improve memory for people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's.

    It can be chewed, taken in capsule form or brewed as a tea. To make sage tea, get a handful of fresh or dried sage. Poor over boiling water and let steep for 5minutes, then strain out the leaves. Add some honey to sweeten as the tea can be quite bitter.

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